I've got that Cinderella feeling but not the one when she found her prince. The cleaning part. Uhh! Need I say more. On a positive note: My migraine has not returned yet today. It has rained for the past two days so my DD, Lexi is dying to get outside but today is not the day to be outside because it's still very muddy around here. I looks like it's going to storm some more today as well. Actually we are in a tornado watch until 9pm tonight.
It's been a windy day and the temp. has kept around 75 degrees F about all day too. The ditch that my DH dug a while back seems to be working pretty well, considering that the ground in front of my front porch doesn't look like a pond.
Update on purse: I'm still trying to finish the strap. It's suppose to be 36" long.
Well, hopefully tomorrow will be better. Talk to everyone later.
I'm a stay at home mom of 3 girls. My husband and I reside on a working organic dairy farm. I knit, crochet, and spin yarn. This blog is about everything I love. I hope you enjoy it.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
One of Those Days
Today has been rather uneventful. I'm almost finished with the book I started and I still give it five out of five stars. It's definitely a page turner. It's got everything murder, mystery, romance, and suspense. I'm still working on my purse which is coming along but it's been a little slow. I think I made to strap too wide so I'm going to double it over and sow it together. I've got some pictures of my shoes that I bought the other day but they aren't any good but you'll get an idea of what they look like.

I'm loving the boots and purse but I'm still needing some ideas on something other than jeans that would go good with the peep toe pumps. So if anyone has any ideas don't be afraid to let me know.
Oh my breakfast this morning was really good. I admit that it isn't that healthy but it really good. I've got a serious weakness for sweet stuff. Especially if it will pair well with my morning coffee.
This is apple cake courtesy of my Nana and Maxwell House Breakfast blend with cream, sugar and frozen Whipped Cream. Yummy!
I'm loving the boots and purse but I'm still needing some ideas on something other than jeans that would go good with the peep toe pumps. So if anyone has any ideas don't be afraid to let me know.
Oh my breakfast this morning was really good. I admit that it isn't that healthy but it really good. I've got a serious weakness for sweet stuff. Especially if it will pair well with my morning coffee.
This is apple cake courtesy of my Nana and Maxwell House Breakfast blend with cream, sugar and frozen Whipped Cream. Yummy!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Garfield- " I hate Mondays."
This morning hasn't started off that great. Lexi decided that she was going to get into the baby powders and my bathroom ended up looking like Christmas came early. When she came out she looked like a ghost. Thing is I don't know how she got them. They were in the medicine cabinet. Or at least that's what I thought. Yeah, even our tooth brushes got a dusting. I really hope that today is going to end better than it started.
We went to church. We had a guest preacher. Then we went to my Nana's for lunch/Supper. It was good. We had Mexican style food. Mary's Halloween costume came in the mail so we tried the hat on to see how it looked. Oh, it was so cute you could've cried. I got my Nana to take some pictures of my new boots and my purse so that I could post them. Reese rode his dad's Harley over because he had to leave early so he could come back and feed the cows for his dad.
Oh the pictures of me aren't that great but we are talking about the boots and the purse.
Mary is going to be a lamb for Halloween and Lexi is going to be little bo-peep.
We went to church. We had a guest preacher. Then we went to my Nana's for lunch/Supper. It was good. We had Mexican style food. Mary's Halloween costume came in the mail so we tried the hat on to see how it looked. Oh, it was so cute you could've cried. I got my Nana to take some pictures of my new boots and my purse so that I could post them. Reese rode his dad's Harley over because he had to leave early so he could come back and feed the cows for his dad.
Oh the pictures of me aren't that great but we are talking about the boots and the purse.
Mary is going to be a lamb for Halloween and Lexi is going to be little bo-peep.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Mary Speaks!
Nothing really interesting happened yesterday so this will be a quick post. We did have some really good burritos for supper. Everybody got into bed at about 9pm. Last night, Mary said her first word, Bye-Bye. I'm not sure she actually knew what it meant but it was still pretty cool. Except while we were trying to go to sleep she kept saying it. Oh, the book I'm reading is getting really interesting. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what to spend my little bit of free time on. Knitting, reading, or blogging. Decisions, decisions! Anyways, I should have some picture up this weekend because I'm going to borrow my mom's camera so that I can get some pictures of my new goodies that I got the other day. Hopefully today will be more exciting.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
A Reading Adventure
Yesterday wasn't really that eventful. Except when my DD, Lexi, decided that she was going to let the kittens in. They usually just stand there and look at you like, "I'm not going in there." But for some reason Turtle decided she would come in and as soon as the door shut behind her she freaked out. She climbed all the way to the top of the door and when I opened it to let her out, she jumped out and was gone like a shot. Oh, it was one of those times when you wished you had a camera. It was definitely a funniest home video moment.
Well, my camera is still out of commission. After my DH came home we took a trip to the library. Lexi and I both have a love of books. I only picked out one for myself. It's called Black Hills by Nora Roberts. She's one of my favorite authors. Next I think I'm going to check out some of James Patterson's novels. My friend is currently reading the Women's Club Murder series. They sound really good. Lexi picked out about 13 books and five movies. We read four last night before bed. I hope to instill the same love for books in Mary as well.
Well, my camera is still out of commission. After my DH came home we took a trip to the library. Lexi and I both have a love of books. I only picked out one for myself. It's called Black Hills by Nora Roberts. She's one of my favorite authors. Next I think I'm going to check out some of James Patterson's novels. My friend is currently reading the Women's Club Murder series. They sound really good. Lexi picked out about 13 books and five movies. We read four last night before bed. I hope to instill the same love for books in Mary as well.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sunday Dinner and Shopping
I'll have to post pictures of yesterday's event later. My mom's blog, Rabbit's Garden, has really good pictures of what we ate at my grandma's for dinner. Here's the link if you want to check it out.
We had a lot of fun visiting. My Uncle and Aunt came and picked us up yesterday because our van is currently out of commission. My DH was gone on a camping trip with the scouts so he had our other mode of transportation. My DD, Lexi, wasn't acting quite herself yesterday. I believe she may be trying to catch a cold or something. My Aunt brought a bunch of books over. Lexi sat and listened to stories for a long time. Which she does like stories but she usually doesn't sit still for very long.
Afterwards, my DH took me shoe shopping. I'll have to post some pictures later of what I got. I got some tall leather chocolate colored boots, a pair of sling back heels, and a cute leather purse. I usually don't allow myself to spend money on something that doesn't help the family directly, but I did need to replace the shoes that my DP (Dear Puppy), Peppermint, decided that she was going to eat. These new shoes are currently residing on top of my wardrobe out of reach to her. So I had a really wonderful weekend. Today I'll need to return some books to the library. Well, I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.
We had a lot of fun visiting. My Uncle and Aunt came and picked us up yesterday because our van is currently out of commission. My DH was gone on a camping trip with the scouts so he had our other mode of transportation. My DD, Lexi, wasn't acting quite herself yesterday. I believe she may be trying to catch a cold or something. My Aunt brought a bunch of books over. Lexi sat and listened to stories for a long time. Which she does like stories but she usually doesn't sit still for very long.
Afterwards, my DH took me shoe shopping. I'll have to post some pictures later of what I got. I got some tall leather chocolate colored boots, a pair of sling back heels, and a cute leather purse. I usually don't allow myself to spend money on something that doesn't help the family directly, but I did need to replace the shoes that my DP (Dear Puppy), Peppermint, decided that she was going to eat. These new shoes are currently residing on top of my wardrobe out of reach to her. So I had a really wonderful weekend. Today I'll need to return some books to the library. Well, I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Pretty Day (Continued...)
We had sandwiches and chips for lunch.
Then I made some of Lexi's favorite foods for supper. Which is baked mac&cheese, chicken nuggets, and broccoli. I don't post what Mary ate considering her meals mostly consist of breast feeding. So how I don't think that would be that interesting. Well, maybe for some. LOL!
I also took a picture of a picture that we have above our computer. I believe in what is says and I also thing that it's really pretty.
Well, we are suppose to be going to my Nana's tomorrow so hopefully I'll be able to post something more exciting on here then.
In God We Trust
Then I made some of Lexi's favorite foods for supper. Which is baked mac&cheese, chicken nuggets, and broccoli. I don't post what Mary ate considering her meals mostly consist of breast feeding. So how I don't think that would be that interesting. Well, maybe for some. LOL!
I also took a picture of a picture that we have above our computer. I believe in what is says and I also thing that it's really pretty.
Well, we are suppose to be going to my Nana's tomorrow so hopefully I'll be able to post something more exciting on here then.
In God We Trust
Pretty Day
Today was a pretty day. It started off cool so I lit a fire to knock the chill off. By about 3pm I was wishing I really hadn't lit the fire. It got a bit warm in the house. Not much went on today. With my DH camping things were pretty quiet. So I just walked around outside my house and took some pictures of the things I see almost every day.
Pregnant cows beside my house. |
More pregnant cows. |
These are waiting to be milked. |
The long white thing is wrapped hay. |
A really neat bug. |
Mushroom that are on the stump. |
The stump in my yard. |
A pretty weed that caught my eye. |
Some pretty flowers. |
Sundrop. Then here are some more pictures of my little Angels. |
Mary playing in the floor. |
Lexi asleep. |
Friday, October 15, 2010
Our Daily Bread
I have recently started a journal. Well, maybe not recently, a couple of months ago. In my journal, instead of beginning with "Dear Diary," I begin with "Dear God,". It's kinda of a way for me to talk to God. I usually can write better than I talk because I can take my time and think more carefully about what I want to say. I use it as my time of prayer. It's going pretty good but we all can use improvement on areas dealing with God because if we aren't moving forward in our faith then I believe we are moving backwards. I would much rather move forward, wouldn't you?
Anyways, I also read a pamphlet called " Our Daily Bread".
Today's study talks about spreading the Gospel. This passage speaks to me so much. I'm going to quote it.
Anyways, I also read a pamphlet called " Our Daily Bread".
Today's study talks about spreading the Gospel. This passage speaks to me so much. I'm going to quote it.
I told my doctor who is an agnostic that he should be glad God created us. Seeing a needle in his hands, I wondered, Perhaps I should keep quiet. But I added, "If we are still evolving, then you wouldn't know the exact spots to place those needles." He asked, " Do you really believe in God?" I replied, "Of course. Aren't we intricately made?" I was thankful for this opportunity to begin to witness to my doctor.
In today's Bible reading, Paul charged Timothy to point people to the Savior. "Preach the Word" (2 Timothy 4:2) is not addressed only to preachers, however. The word preach means "to make it known." God's people can do this over a cup of coffee or in school with friends. We can make known the good news of what God has done for us wherever, whenever, and to anyone who is open and seeking. We can let them know that God loves us and sees our hurts, failures, and weaknesses. Through the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, God broke the stranglehold of sin over us. And to all those who will open their heart to the Savior, He will come to live in them.
Let's not be afraid to make known what God has done for us. -- Albert LeePlease read 2 Timothy 4:1-5.
Good Things
These are something that are good to me. My dining room table being clear is one. My DD's, Lexi, room being clean.

Breakfast this morning was really good. Lexi had two bananas plus a half of an everything bagel with cream cheese. I had my coffee and an everything bagel with cream cheese. It was like soooo good.
Mary rolling over was a big thing that happened too. She not rolled on her belly then back over again but she did yesterday.

I'm working on a new knitting project. It's going to be a pocket book but I've only got the pouch finished. I'm working on the strap and I plan to put a pocket and some flowers on it as well. I'll post some pictures of the finished product. This is my first one I've made so it's still a little rough.
My Dining Room Table |
My DD's Room |
Mary rolling over was a big thing that happened too. She not rolled on her belly then back over again but she did yesterday.
I'm working on a new knitting project. It's going to be a pocket book but I've only got the pouch finished. I'm working on the strap and I plan to put a pocket and some flowers on it as well. I'll post some pictures of the finished product. This is my first one I've made so it's still a little rough.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Weekend Update
Well, Sunday was really good. We woke up about 8am and got Lexi ready for Sunday school. My DH took her and then came back to the house to finish helping me getting Mary ready. We got there on time. (Personal achievement met!) So after church, we went to my Grandma's to eat lunch/supper. It was kinda a celebration for my Mom's birthday. We had beef roast, pork, potatoes, portabella mushrooms, macaroni salad, and red velvet cake for dessert. As usual everybody oohed and awed over the babies. Then after all was said and done we packed up leftovers and went on our marry way. On the way home we stopped to help a gentleman that had broken down on the side of the road. Whom offered a pray for my brother-in-law who is stationed overseas. So it was a very interesting Sunday.
Yesterday was fairly uneventful. Same old, Same old. Cleaning, kids, DH, supper bed. Well, I did watch Iron Man 2, which was really good.
Yesterday was fairly uneventful. Same old, Same old. Cleaning, kids, DH, supper bed. Well, I did watch Iron Man 2, which was really good.
This is my DH before food. LOL! |
My DH after food. LOL! |
Mary ready to get out. |
Nana, Cathy and Mary |
My mom and Mary. |
Lexi helping to blow out Mom's candles. |
Lexi and Mom. |
Mom see cake in your future. LOL! |
Eddy, my uncle, in deep thought. |
Happy Early Halloween ! |
Saturday, October 9, 2010
All in All Happy Day
Today started off very well. I got to sleep late due to my DH, who also fixed me eggs and coffee as well. Then we all loaded up and went to my friend's to celebrate her little boy's birthday. Lexi enjoyed playing in the bounce house with the other children. The weather today was on the warm side. It reached about 82 F. It was a really good day for a party. Mary enjoy the party as well. She was on full alert to all the action. Then afterwards we all came home and took a nap. Thank God for a lovely stress less day. Amen!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Meet the Furry Babies
I not only have human babies; I have furry ones too. We currently have 5 cats and one very hyperactive dog.
This would be Peppermint (aka: pup-pup). She is a beagle/jack russel mix. That means she is both full of energy and brains. Dangerous mix for a pup that's not a year old yet. Her birthday is Nov. 18, 2009. We got her for my DD, Lexi for Christmas last year.
These are my kitties. For top to bottom: Genie, Turtle, Yin, Growl, and Sundrop. Genie is the mother and the others are her babies. They all are very affectionate and love to let Peppermint "flea" them. They are outside cats. When they were inside while they were small kittens; Genie would bring in training tools (birds, lizards, and once even a squirrel). After that they were moved to the building outside.
This would be Peppermint (aka: pup-pup). She is a beagle/jack russel mix. That means she is both full of energy and brains. Dangerous mix for a pup that's not a year old yet. Her birthday is Nov. 18, 2009. We got her for my DD, Lexi for Christmas last year.
These are my kitties. For top to bottom: Genie, Turtle, Yin, Growl, and Sundrop. Genie is the mother and the others are her babies. They all are very affectionate and love to let Peppermint "flea" them. They are outside cats. When they were inside while they were small kittens; Genie would bring in training tools (birds, lizards, and once even a squirrel). After that they were moved to the building outside.
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